recipe credits: 5
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recipe 1
DE: 0.3
1380 Titanium White
41.24 %
1050 Cerulean Blue, Chromium
39.78 %
1275 Phthalo Green / Y.S.
12.60 %
1370 Titan Buff
6.31 %
1040 Carbon Black
0.08 %
recipe 2
DE: 0.5
1050 Cerulean Blue, Chromium
39.43 %
1380 Titanium White
34.94 %
1370 Titan Buff
14.04 %
1275 Phthalo Green / Y.S.
11.59 %
recipe 3
DE: 0.0
1380 Titanium White
50.49 %
1050 Cerulean Blue, Chromium
24.33 %
1500 Primary Cyan
15.12 %
1180 Hansa Yellow Light
10.06 %
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